marți, 11 ianuarie 2011

Model de traducere: Dare de data certa


No. XXXX of

Ion Popescu, representing the Trade Office Register attached to Bacau Tribunal - Assistance Department, I have released this official document in 3 identical copies which are the amended Memorandum of Activities of I POPESCU SRL. 2 copies will be handed over to the parties and 1 copy will be registered and kept by the Assistance Department at the Trade Register Office attached to Bacau Tribunal.

This document was written at the Assistance Department and consists of X pages. It is completely legible, it contains no additions and it is not physically damaged.

A fee of x lei was paid, as it results from receipts no ... issued on 07/10/2007 by the Trade Register Office attached to Bacau Tribunal.


Illegible signature

Este o traducere a unui act oficial numit DARE DE DATA CERTA, un document prin care se recunoaste primirea si inregistrarea unui act constitutiv de firma de pe teritoriul Romaniei. Am folosit surse de pe internet (inclusiv recomandari si variante de traduceri de pe proz), cu observatia ca limbajul folosit in tara este de multe ori calchiat din practica juridica internationala.
Functionarea firmelor si companiilor din aria de jurisdictie romana este reglementata prin Legea 31/1990, care stabileste activitatea economica a persoanelor juridice cu scop de afaceri, cu amendamentele si completarile ulterioare.

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